As we faced our last day in Norway we remembered well our first.
This mission home is full of many memories for us and for the thousands of missionaries that have walked through these doors!
We loved our time serving in Norway! Our “Call to Serve” has blessed our lives and the lives of our family. We leave with thousands of happy memories and 2 hearts filled with gratitude that we had this wonderful experience in our lifetime!
Our transition leaving was a little different than most. President and Sister Tew did not get their visas so they did not arrive on the day we departed. We were thrilled to have President and Sister Karlsson (members in Norway and former mission president and wife in Sweden) take over the mission until the Tews arrived. We introduced our missionaries to President and Sister Karlsson’s via a mission wide phone call.
The next day we locked the mission home and took the car keys, the house keys and the “mission keys” to them. We are grateful for their faithful service and willingness to be the bridge until the Tews arrived.
President Jan Åka Karlsson and Sister Bente Karlsson.
June 29th -July 7th 2018
2 comments. Leave new
Thank you so much for the experiences and history you have shared. I always want to go visit Norway. I need some advise. I am from Coolidge, Arizona I do volunteer work in Gilbert Arizona Temple for 5 years and I did volunteer work in Mesa Temple for 8.5 years. How I love to go visit in Norway someday. I need some input if I fly from Phoenix to Norway how far is the church from the Airport and which airport should I fly into from States. It is my dream to go there.Thank you.
In the future I would to serve a mission when the right time comes.