Our final ZC for the transfer was held April 18th in Bergen with the missionaries serving in the Vest Zone. We love the light they bring with them as we gathered on a cloudy day in Norway. I love the picture above….As we sat in breakout groups I noticed that everyone but Sister Brimhall was wearing brown shoes. The saying….”one of these things is not like the other” came to mind.
3 comments. Leave new
Thank you for these wonderful photos. We always look forward to them so much. It does our hearts good to see our kids working and learning – and smiling! You have such a talent for capturing all that – plus the beauty of Norway all around them to give us a glimpse of their lives. Thank you.
Thank you so much for the photos and remarks. I love seeing all the happy faces of the missionaries, especially my grandson!
The funny thing about the two Eldste Johnsons is that they are ALSO both NATHAN…so two ELDSTE NATHAN JOHNSONS!