I am WAY behind! Things got crazy the last week of our mission!
Our final Sunday in Norway was Drammen Stake Conference. We were thrilled to see these wonderful missionaries one last time. It was a perfect day in every way! We were able to share our testimony of our love of the Savior and His gospel with the members and missionaries we love so much!

And…right in the middle of our meeting…2,000 copies of the Book of Mormon were delivered to the office! Many hands make light work!

Our final “Zoom” meeting with all the missionaries from North, South, East, and West! Â Technology is a blessing!

I love this room at the Institute/office. We spent many hours with missionaries here. This picture shows a perfect combination…beautiful pictures of the life of Christ and thousands of copies of the Book of Mormon. “That’s why we’re (we were) here!” The best 2 (3) years…..