We continued our interview tour by visiting these great missionaries in Fredrikstad.
Elder Parrish, Elder Egan, Sister Mumford and Sister Barlow.
And a stop in Moss to interview this awesome companionship….Elder Mathews and Elder Aland!
We arrived in Romerike for District Meeting on Tuesday. It was Elder Johnson’s birthday so we had a party!
Elder Johnson, Elder Pfeifer, Sister Rawson, Sister Stocks and the Hamar Elders…Elder Spencer and Elder Steele.
We had a Sunday evening meeting with the assistants, which was interrupted by a wonderful surprise birthday party for President Hill!
The amazing Oslo Missionaries…Elder Martineau, Elder Memmott, Sister Tew, Sister Elison, Sister Sorensen, and Sister Wheeler…..and the assistants (all 4 of them)!
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Thank you so much for your effort for Eldste Johnson’s Birthday on the 2nd! How special! He loves you both so very much!