Sorry these next few posts are not in order.

The traveling assistants Elder Wakefield and Elder Hansen (and Elder Fry) stopped in Tønsberg on their way to Kristiansand to deliver boxes of the Books of Mormon.

The Tønsberg District….Sister Olaveson, Sister Zenger, Elder Fry, Elder Greenwood, Elder Baughn and Elder Lowther.

The Asker, Sandvika, and Drammen missionaries. Elder Sargent, Elder Sadler, Elder Burgoyne, Elder Shanklin, Sister Morris, Sister Starkie, Sister Whetten, and Sister Peterson.
This may be my new favorite picture from our mission. It was taken just outside Tromsø on a stormy afternoon a few weeks ago.
Saying goodbye to some of our friends from the North at our District Conference in Tromsø.
Our wonderful missionaries serving in Alta and Tromsø. Elder Lindberg, Elder Stephenson, Elder Ashby, Elder Putt, Sister Larson, and Sister Bair.
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I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to say goodbye! You are both magnificent. Thank you forever for blessing our son in his missionary service!