Our MLC for the transfer was held on Tuesday, May 15th. It was a beautiful, warm spring day. We welcomed a few new faces…Sister Livingston, Elder Cribbs, and Elder Shanklin. We are grateful for these fine missionaries and their willingness to love, lift and bless other missionaries in our mission.

The sisters arrived at the mission home on Monday evening. They played a quick game of Kubb in the backyard.
There are probably many proud moms out there looking at this picture! I love how the Elders carefully folded all of their jackets and stacked them neatly on the table.
Elder McCourt and Elder Jensen celebrated birthdays…..
In our mission we “launch” or Soar” to the finish line at the end of our mission. This was our last MLC so President Hill and I were presented with our wings! I love the smiles on the missionaries faces!
What a wonderful day we had together! We are not quite ready to fly away, but when we are these wings will come in handy!
4 comments. Leave new
I feel grateful for the experiences these missionaries are having while serving with President Hill and the other leaders. President Hill and you will be missed!
What a great looking group of missionaries. So glad to see you getting some sunshine there. The happy faces bring such joy to our hearts. Thank you for all of the sharing that you do! We appreciate you taking such good care of our sons and daughters.
Pres. And Sister Hill, you have been amazing mission presidents and have changed my daughters life forever!! She loves you both dearly and will miss your sweet association. Thank you for all your service and dedication!!
This post made me so happy! Love these happy pictures! Thank you thank you thank you for your service! You have been wonderful mission presidents and we are just so thankful for all you have done for the people of Norway and for our daughter!