Sør Zone/Bergen
We had a wonderful day in Bergen with our well prepared zone leaders Elder Burgoyne and Elder Applegate. We are grateful for the efforts of the missionaires and couples who help to invite the spirit as we learn together. It was a great day!!
Øst Zone/Oslo
Our final ZLT was held in Oslo. The Romerike elders are serving as the zone leaders. Elder Rumsey and Elder Collett had a very entertaining and well prepared presentation. It is a blessing to watch our missionaries in action as they plan and prepare to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The sun is such a welcome sight! In Oslo we have progressed from 6 hours of daylight in January to 12 hours in March! We do not shun the sun in Norway!
2 comments. Leave new
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR BLOG as a grandma of Elder Anderson it is wonderful to see him serving the Lord and enjoying his time on his mission, he is a great example to the rest of our family and we know our Heavenly Father is watching over him. Thank you for your service!
Kaye Anderson
President and Sister Hill, I just ran across this amazing blog as I was thinking about how much I missed working with my favorite Medical Director! Looks like you all are doing amazing things and enjoying it so much with those great young (and older) missionaries. We miss you all a lot and can’t wait for you to be home. Keep on keepin’ on!