Last weekend we took a road trip to do exit interviews for a few of our missionaires who are finishing their missions. We were able to visit other missionaries and members along the way. We drove through “Telemark” and stopped to visit the Heddal Stave Church (stavkirke). We wish we could have seen the inside but it does not open until May. It is the largest Stave Church in Norway and has a triple nave stave (roof). Construction on the church began in the 13th century.

First stop…President Hill and the Tønsberg missionaries. Elder Braunburger, Elder Fry, Elder Snapp, and Elder Putt.

We stopped In Skien and spent a few hours with these awesome missionaries! Elder Johnson, Elder Chew, Sister Tew, and Sister Zenger.

The following day…lunch in Arendal with another great companionship…Elder Christian and Elder Pfeifer.

Elder Christian has been missing these journals for several months! He was pretty excited when they were found and the mystery was solved!

We stopped and visited a newly baptized member – Judy! She lives a few hundred feet from the fjord near Grimstad….and the pretty blue eyed cat belongs to her.

We arrived in Kristiansand in time to attend the YSA spaghetti dinner and sing happy birthday to Sister Earl! Elder and Sister Cook are taking great care of the YSA amd missionaries in Kristiansand.

Saturday afternoon we took a walking tour with one of the members through the old part of Kristiansand. Many of the old white painted houses have survived the test of time.

This is the building where the Kristiansand members met when Presdent Hill served as a missionary here many moons ago.
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What beautiful pictures and missionaries! Thank you for taking the time to share and help us to feel more a part of a wonderful country and experience.
I was so excited that the mystery was solved and the journals were found!!! Prayers are answered and thanks soooo much to President and Sister Hill. We love you!!!