We combined two groups of new missionaries for our FTT. There is truly “strength in numbers” and it was wonderful to spend 36 hours with these amazing and energetic elders and sisters. It was a very cold few days in Oslo (10 degrees fahrenheit) but they even bundled up and walked to the Palace. We are excited to watch as these missionaries “go forth to serve” in Norway.

I gave my camera to the assistants and stayed in our warm and cozy office while these fearless missionaries braved the freezing weather for a trip to the palace. I am not quite sure why the sisters took off their coats!!!!

Elder Ewell….they call him Elder Christmas because “JUL” (pronounced You’ll) is Christmas in Norwegian 🙂
7 comments. Leave new
It was so fun to see these pictures of our grand daughter Morgan Starkie and all of the other Missionaries!! What an amazing group of young people. Thank you for all that you do for them. We feel so blessed that she is able to serve there in Norway with such wonderful leaders.
President and Sister Hill,
Thank you very much for these wonderful pictures! What an awesome, blessed group of missionaries! It’s special to be able to share in their training, visiting the beautiful Norwegian Palace, and seeing their fun times in the Mission Home and out in the snow.
We really do appreciate everything you’re doing for them. Thank you. Love – Becky and Ron Wheelwright
So great to see our Søster Zenger loving the country and the language. Thank you for taking good care of her!
You have managed to do something with Elder Wakefield that, in 18 years, I could not. You have got him to smile while showing his teeth! Miraculous! It might also be a reflection of the “best two years.” Either way, I am grateful! I LOOOOOOOOOVE the picture of he and Elder Cole grilling the hot dogs. They look so happy doing something so simple!
Looking at these pictures is like looking at sunshine. What a wonderful group of people who are letting their testimonies shine forth! Thank you for sharing, always.
Thank you so much for having this great event for our missionaries. That is so cool that Elder Ewell is called Elder Christmas (what is more fun than Christmas). Thanks again for the wonderful pictures!
What joyful pictures–thank you for sharing!