We love our trip to the airport to greet our missionaires arriving from the Provo MTC. This fantasic group joined us this week! It is fun to meet them after looking at their pictures on our transfer board for many months.

Welcome to Norway! Sister Barlow, Elder Greenwood, Elder Gonzalez, Elder Steele, Elder Boyd, Elder Lindberg, and Sister Bair!

Elder Jensen traveled to Oslo with his departing companion. He was able to meet his new companion Elder Biyd at the mission home!

We love this wonderful group of missionaries! They were so excited to finally be in Norway! Can you guess which one is proud to be from Canada? 🙂
Our Assistants work very hard during transfer week . Elder Briggs (L), and Elder Wakefield (C) are ready for the new challenges ahead, and Elder Cole (R) has finished his mission. Thanks for all you do!
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I sure enjoy these posts! Elder Briggs seems to be settling just fine. Awesome.
Thanks for all you do, Pres. and Sister Hill. 🙂