We had a fantastic leadership training meeting in Oslo last week. Missionary travel in Norway is challenging with so many moving parts. Our goal was to have all the district leaders, zone leaders, and sister training leaders in Oslo for a day of training. The theme for our meeting was “Seeking Higher Ground.” Most of our sessions were led by our missionaries, and they did a wonderful job. It was a great day!

A special thanks to Sister Robinson, and elder and sister Bergquist for providing a wonderful spaghetti feast!

We are grateful to Sister Mead from Stavanger for sharing her ideas and suggestions on how we can have meaningful member visits….

Thanks to Elder Ashby and Elder Love who taught a workshop for the District Leaders on “Effective District Meetings”
A few weeks ago we had a wonderful baptism in Haugesund. Willem has been taught by many missionaries and he was finally baptized on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

I love this picture of Willem, Sister Livingstone, and Sister Brimhall. Oh what JOY the Gospel brings!
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Wonderful! Thank you for sharing!