We had a busy transfer week in the Norway Oslo Mission! We were excited to welcome 1 Elder and 3 Sisters on Tuesday afternoon.

Elder Cribbs and Elder Fry switched nametags trying to confuse Elder Sargent. Elder Cribbs is really his companion…

They are ready for some chilly nights in Norway….and we found it funny that they have similar tastes!
5 comments. Leave new
It’s fun getting to see pictures of Elders that my son, Eldste Snapp, has talked about (Eldste Fry and Eldste Wakefield).
These arrival photos always bring such peace to a mama’s heart! Thank you for posting and sharing them with us.
So fun to see what a Valentine’s welcome the four new missionaries had! I loved meeting them all at the TRC and “saluting” Elder Sargent and finding Sister Wheelwright’s relative was my music teacher in grade school. Love to all of you! Bestemor a.k.a. Jackie Moulton
Hi Jackie!
I agree! These new missionaries received a sweet Valentine welcome with a lovely dinner and CHOCOLATE to go! ?
My husband and I are so interested- Who was your music teacher in grade school?
Sister Wheelwright’ mom- Becky Wheelwright
Thank you so much for posting these darling arrival photos! ?They all look so excited to be in Norway and receive their first assignments. It was wonderful to see them and the training they received in the Mission Home. Seeing the new missionaries receive their dynes brought back memories for Sister Wheelwright’s Dad when as a new missionary he received his dyne. Sister Wheelwright told us she already loves Sister Morris. What an important opportunity to reopen Asker- Bro. Wheelwright served there during his mission! The Lord will truly bless His missionaries and prepare hearts in Norway. You treated them so kindly and lovingly. You’re all in our daily prayers. Many thanks and hugs!