Our mission leadership council met last week in the mission home. Our agenda was packed and we discussed, planned, and prepared for zone conference and the transfer ahead. We love the time we are able to spend with our wonderful leaders. It was a great day!

At our last meeting I set the timer on the camera and ran to stand with President Hill and these great missionaries for the group picture. I slipped on the ice and fell. They thought it would be fun to reinnact the event that actually was VERY funny. I will always cherish the picture that was captured of the faces of the missionaries as I lay on the ground laughing!

During our Monday morning leadership phone call last week Elder Dial gave a zone report and explained that he wanted everyone to come with their “wisdom hats” on to help him with some ideas for their zone. So….Sister Ogletree and Sister Sorensen made wisdom hats for everyone to wear! It was a fun surprise for Elder Dial….and helped us all be sharp as we continued to meet throughout the day 🙂

Elder Briggs, Elder Collett, and Elder Dawes were in the MTC together. This is the first time they have all been together since coming to Norway…
We flew to Tromsø on Friday to interview missionaries, visit branch members and speak in church on Sunday. We were excited to spend some time with Elder and Sister Miller. We usually travel between the airport, the hotel and church but we had some extra time so we were thrilled to see some of the surrounding area. The Robinson’s and Bergquist’s decided to take a chance on seeing the northern lights and joined us. We braved the cold, clear night and stood for an hour on the shores of a snowy/icy fjord as we watched the starry sky dance with shades of green. Wow! How is that for poetic! It really was amazing and we are grateful to have shared the time with some of our senior couples….

These wonderful/hardy missionaries are serving in Tromsø. We were grateful to be able to spend a few days with them. Elder Ashby, Elder Fowler, The Millers, Sister Larsen, and Sister Pond…..

I took these pictures on Saturday afternoon. The sun is almost peaking through. Just a few days later (Monday) the sun was supposed to emerge for the first time in months. We heard it was cloudy and the sun stayed away for one more day.

A very icy parking lot…. The Robinson’s and Bergquist are below. Their rental car did not have studded tires.

We rode the Fjellheisen tram on Saturday evening. It was freezing cold and very windy but the view of Tromsø at night was magnificent!

Elder and Sister Miller are serving in Tromsø. Sister Miller has become an expert on fun northern light photos….

I stuck my camera out the window of our hotel later Saturday night and snapped this photo! I almost lost my hand to frostbite but the picture was worth it 🙂
We returned home late Tuesday night to this…the most snow we have seen since arriving in Norway 2.5 years ago.
5 comments. Leave new
Dear Sister Hill,
I was thrilled to see this post today! Knowing through my daughter’s (Sister Larson’s) email that you were in Tromsø over the weekend, I have been patiently waiting to see her smiling face and hopefully glimpses of the area where she is serving. Both look beautiful! Thank you, thank you, for taking wonderful care of our missionaries and their parents. You are a blessing!
hey wow this is pretty neat
thats pretty neat
I LOVE all the pictures you send! I know it takes extra time and effort to take and post them, but seeing our missionaries and where they are serving helps us feel closer to them while they are so far away. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
So many wonderful and beautiful pictures. If you weren’t a pro photographer when you arrived in Norway, you will be by the time you leave. We appreciate you thoughtfulness in posting all that you do. You have captured some wonderful shots of the scenery as well as of those that are dear to us. Thank you so very much!