It has been a beautiful fall in Norway!
The Bergquists (on the left) have joined our mission. They will serve as the YSA couple in Olso. Welcome to Norway Elder and Sister Bergquist.
The first Zone Leader Training was held in Bergen. Elder Hansen and Elder Burgoyne are the Zone Leaders and they did a wonderful job planning the conference and teaching the missionaries.

Elder and Sister Jenson survived their first zone conference. They provided a wonderful meal for the missionaries and the members who came to help .
The sisters……
On to Drammen and the Oslo Fjord Zone lead by Elder Wakefield and Elder Love. They also prepared well and we had another wonderful day together.

The Cooks (YSA from Kristiansand) The Robinsons (Oslo office couple) and the Bergquists (YSA couple Oslo) prepared and served a wonderful potato bar for lunch!
The Sentral Zone met together at the Institute/Office in Oslo. Elder Applegate and Elder Dial are the Zone Leaders and we had a great day together. Many of these missionaries are serving in the North so they enjoyed a little warmer weather for a day!
It was a very busy week!
We are blessed to be “called to serve” in Norway with these wonderful missionaires. We are grateful for all that they teach us and we could not love them more!
5 comments. Leave new
Love these pictures! Thank’s so much Sister Hill!
Looking at these pictures is always fun! They look like they’re having a wonderful time. Thank you!
So fun–thank you! And I love all the Norwegian sweaters!!!!
Thank you for sharing these pictures! Søster Madsen said, “President and Sister Hill’s remarks were exactly what I needed to hear to lift my spirits.” We are so grateful for all you are doing to help our missionaries!
Thank you for always taking the time to share and lift our spirits!